My name is Matt but everyone calls me Big Country. I'm originally from Oregon and moved here in 2008. I don't really have a lot of friends here so I tend to keep to myself and I'm trying to change that. I have a good job at a steel warehouse where i am a foreman. My favorite thing in the world is fishing, catfishin more specifically. Me and my buddy go juggin whenever we get the chance, if u ain't never done it I can take you if ya wanna give it a whirl. Anything outdoors is fun to me. I'm from the backwoods so anything outside is fun. I'm really lookin for a country/small town kinda girl. City girls just have different values than i do. Size and looks really ain't that important to me. I always try to treat my woman the best I can and I would like to have that in return someday. If you wanna learn more about me then just let me know.